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Insects swarming a light, a Mohawk holding a torch under a waterfall, burning lightbulb filaments, 1920s mobsters, lunar eclipse shining over a light-painted waterfall—what do all these have in common? They are among the 365 night images that I photographed in 2021 for my photo-a-night project. Committed to making a new photo every night, I summoned creativity and resolve I didn’t know I had.
This book takes you on the journey with me, providing inspiration and nuts-and-bolts info for how to create remarkable and distinctive night photos, not bound to rules or standards. I also explain how undertaking a project like this can be the best thing you could do, not only for your photography, but also for your well-being.
Come along with me on this adventure. Fair warning, though. This book will inspire you to photograph in ways you never imagined, which may not always be conducive to getting a good night’s sleep. And I can’t promise that your significant other will not be upset if you try some of the photographs.
Without question, this was the most challenging and rewarding project in my forty years as a photographer!
Sample photo listings from the book:
Included with each photo:
- The original caption from when I posted the photo in 2021
- A new narrative that provides more info on how I captured the image and/or a discussion about the mental approach
- The gear I used to create the image
- Exposure settings
- Post-processing info

You’ll learn how I photographed:
Abstracts | Forests | Moon (full, crescent, eclipsed) |
And a bunch of other stuff, both mainstream and nowhere near the stream.

What Others Are Saying
365 Nights is a must read for any photographer of any genre! Night after night, Kevin’s passion, creativity, and commitment becomes more evident. The more I read, the more I realized that what I was seeing and reading wasn’t just a cool photography project by a great photographer, but the growth of man’s soul, an escape from the creative ruts all artists experience. I thoroughly enjoyed the book. It was like consuming my favorite comfort food.
Doug Gardner—Cinematographer, photographer, workshop leader, producer of Wild Photo Adventures TV show
Kevin Adams’ night photography ebook is everything you ever wanted to know about night photography, but were afraid to ask! The simple and clear-cut explanations are the perfect complement to Kevin’s great photography. Every page is a lesson. 365 Nights is an excellent addition to your e-library.
Tony Sweet—Workshop leader, author, Nikon Legend Behind the Lens
Kevin Adams has been the leader and innovator in night photography for years. His workshops and seminars have revealed tips and secrets that I’ve needed when trying to photograph the night sky. Lots of photographers have learned basic to advanced night photography from Kevin.
But in 2021, Kevin really upped his game. I thought he was crazy to attempt a night photograph every night for all of 2021. The project brought out the best in him and I’m so happy to see all those images compiled into one book.
Readers of this book get to see nearly 400 great images plus detailed explanations. Kevin reveals all he learned while making the images. He shares his thought process behind each image. He shares the boring, mundane art of photography plus the excitement of innovation. Each photo includes the gear used, f/stop, shutter speed, and ISO. He shares his processing techniques in simple, easy to understand language.
Buy this book and enjoy it. Marvel at the images Kevin created with his cellphone plus those he made with the best equipment. Reread the book once you’ve developed better skills. I guarantee you’ll learn more on the second read than you did during the first read. Give it a third read and you’ll learn even more. This is a great book. Have fun!
Kathy Adams Clark—Photographer, workshop leader, author
Come for the photos, stay for the anecdotes! Kevin’s daunting task of taking a night photo every day for a year is to be commended. A remarkable achievement of perseverance and creativity. This book takes you on a photographic journey like no other and you quickly find yourself in Kevin’s shoes going thru the ups and downs of such a massive undertaking.
His candidness in sharing with us his struggles and successes makes it so relatable to all of us that share a passion and love for photography. I can picture Kevin as the elevator operator in the famous David S. Pumpkins “100 Floors of Fright” Saturday Night Live sketch telling us, “Look, it’s 365 nights of photography, they’re not all going to be winners!”
Kevin’s quick wit and incredible sense of humor are in full display in this book. The journey we embark on with him shows us what being creative is all about, while inspiring us to find our own version of 365 NIGHTS.
Thank you, Kevin, for allowing us to join you on this incredible ride!
Jaime L. Montilla—Photographer, owner and lead Instructor at Puerto Rico Photo Adventures