Photographing Yellowknife in Winter
Photographing Yellowknife in Winter Way up in Canada’s Northwest Territories at 62° latitude lies a surprising city. When my photo tour participants arrive, the first thing they usually comment on is how surprised they are to find an actual city instead of a tiny outpost village. They [...]
Photographing Fireworks
Photographing Fireworks Who knows how many millions of fireworks photographs are created in the U.S. on July 4, but one thing for sure is that most of them will be uninspiring. Oh sure, the first one or two you see will look great, but pretty soon you’ll [...]
Shutter Speeds And Waterfall Photography
Shutter Speeds And Waterfall Photography SUBJECTIVITY AND OBJECTIVITY AND ART AND SOCIAL MEDIA. OH MY! Let’s talk art for a second. I’m guessing you’ve been doing it all wrong. Black & white? That’s so 1950s. Artificial backgrounds? (Textures, for you crazy digital folks.) Good grief! Come on, [...]
Adventures Of A Master Nature Photographer
Adventures Of A Master Nature Photographer Author’s note: I began my photography career in the mid-1980s. At that time, John Shaw and Galen Rowell were like gods to beginning nature photographers. John is still going strong, but Galen, very sadly, died in a plane crash in 2002, [...]
An Out Of This World Photo Tour
An Out Of This World Photo Tour The majority of my income comes from leading photo tours, so it shouldn’t be surprising that I spend a great deal of time working on making my tours the best they can be. And any photo tour leader will tell [...]